Explain, with the aid of a fully-labeled diagram, how changes in levels of a condition typically influence the function of organisms.
“Conditions was something that has influenced the functioning of organisms since decades. Long-ago, temperatures were low as compared to now…” [yeah OK, whatever man]
Distinguish between four types of predators classified according to their functional characteristics (i.e. not by the types of prey they eat), and give an example of each.
“Herbivores - those type of predators doesn't kill the prey but it eats it piece by piece (frequently) that might be the same species or different species. e.g. goats eating grass. True predators - predators that kill the prey doesn't affect it pieces by piece but just kills it one time. e.g. lion eating zebras” [eish! mebbe I fail this ONE TIME]
“Parasitoids: Feed of host, which they then kill for only a part of their life cycle” [and then spend the other part reviving it?]
Explain the differences between resource-weighted density, organism-weighted density, and exploitation pressure, and why ecologists find it useful to distinguish between these different expressions of density.
“It is quite useful…Each individual experience different factors due to its fitness, leading to darwins theory of natural selection”
“Conditions was something that has influenced the functioning of organisms since decades. Long-ago, temperatures were low as compared to now…” [yeah OK, whatever man]
Distinguish between four types of predators classified according to their functional characteristics (i.e. not by the types of prey they eat), and give an example of each.
“Herbivores - those type of predators doesn't kill the prey but it eats it piece by piece (frequently) that might be the same species or different species. e.g. goats eating grass. True predators - predators that kill the prey doesn't affect it pieces by piece but just kills it one time. e.g. lion eating zebras” [eish! mebbe I fail this ONE TIME]
“Parasitoids: Feed of host, which they then kill for only a part of their life cycle” [and then spend the other part reviving it?]
Explain the differences between resource-weighted density, organism-weighted density, and exploitation pressure, and why ecologists find it useful to distinguish between these different expressions of density.
“It is quite useful…Each individual experience different factors due to its fitness, leading to darwins theory of natural selection”